15 January 2009

Pink for girls?

There is an article published on the Telegraph site today about Pink toys creating a generation of pushy princesses. Well from my experience it's been the other way round and this is definately not a new thing. Both my daughters went through a completely pink phase before the age of 4 and that's 14 years ago. 
When we first started Sugar Cubes it wasn't very pink, and people said how nice it was not to be pink. But, all we sold was pink, so if I wanted to survive I had to do pink. We offer other colours as much as possible but we can't afford to stock many, we just wouldn't sell them. Look at My little pony it's been amazing for the last 25 years, I don't have a pink pony, looks like it's about time I got one. 
Here's a nice green hoodie for a change make my day go and buy it.xxx

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